Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Day 254 - will you hold my hand please? xx

Wednesday 11th September

It is a day to remember the lost from 9/11 and to stand next to the families and friends that still miss their loved ones so much.  We can all, no doubt, remember exactly what we were doing and where we were when we heard of the tragedy as it unfolded.  For my part I struggled to separate it from watching a disaster movie as live pictures where beamed across the world.  The scale was unbearable and the strike of evil so vivid that it all became bewildering.  Acts of violence can never truly be defended as it is not how the world should be constructed and this act will always stand for the horror that can be human nature.  But today we don't dwell on those acts as they can never be reconciled.  Instead I believe it is a time for everyone to stand alongside the grieving and hold their hands. 

Life is about a series of interlocking circles that touch us all and so the world should grieve.  I woke up sad and I will go to sleep sad and that sadness rests over the reality that people can carry out such acts and believe them to be right and true.  Our minds are powerful weapons and when they are misused such acts become possible.  As the world sheds a tear from its highest peak let that tear travel the rivers and the seas to reach out to all of us and cleanse our minds.  In that cleansing let us see peace and contentment and let us commit to a better world.  9/11 must give us that opportunity and we must be strong enough to take it.

There must always be hope that the world will become a better place to live and that our children will learn to hold hands rather than weapons.  Today I stand against the darkness and turn towards the light and I do hope that, when I look round, you are standing next to me and we are holding hands.

Until tomorrow.  xx

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