Sunday, 4 August 2013

Day 216 - I am doing the project anyway! xx

Sunday 4th August

How lovely was it to see our beloved 'Nanny' last evening and again today.  It has to be 10 long years since we saw her and we have missed her so much.  In our old lives, when Pete and I both worked in education, Nanny kept us sane by looking after our, then, small children.  Then when we left to change our lives and live on a Scottish island we left Nanny behind and that was really hard.  She now has a lovely family of her own and we will be spending the week getting to know them. 

The sun shone and so did the island for the Victorian day at Brodick Castle.  The event was slightly tinged by the email in the morning telling me that I hadn't got the residency.  This was not a surprise to me because I was expecting this outcome given my newness to all this.  I am not sure, if I am honest, whether I care that I didn't get it because I have quite decided to do the project anyway.  It is a photography and creative writing project based at the castle and I will give you a fuller account in the coming days.  It might be that some island friends would like to join me on the project. 

The Victorian day seemed to be a great success and there were certainly plenty of people about.  Angie and I were next to each other and that always makes for a better day.  Molly was my little helper and the three of us drank tea and ate shortbread!  Sales were slow in the morning and then crept up quite well in the afternoon.  I am never convinced that the castle knows how to create a buying culture so it is always a bit of a struggle at that venue.  I was pleased that several beach fragment mosaics sold as they are a new product for me and just the feedback I was looking for.

The pipe band entertained us in the sunshine and spirits were high the whole afternoon so it is definitely an event that I enjoy attending.  It is the Highland Games on Saturday which is the biggest event of the summer so it will be back to making stock tomorrow. 

I have had some interesting conversations with some of you guys over the last few days and I have an emerging plan for Scottish island mum that takes me beyond this year long project.  I am always very grateful for the feedback so if you ever want to say anything just message me.  You may have gathered that I am feeling better as well.  I am putting that down to all the lovely warm wishes.  Scottish island mum is a very lucky lady.  I am meeting several readers over the next few weeks as they are holidaying on the island.  Isn't that just the icing on the cake?  You know I like a good cake!

Many thanks to all,

Until tomorrow.  xx

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