Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Day 198 - A bit more bottom space up here! xx

Wednesday 17th July

I am thinking that the people on holiday on the island must think they are in paradise.  Seeing the pictures on the news of the beaches on the south coast made me giggle.  In Brighton there was only 'bottom space' left and I honestly can't think of anything worse.  The beaches are also busy on Arran especially Whiting Bay.  When I say busy I mean there are more than 100 people over a kilometre stretch of beach.  Not quite the same is it?  The contrast appeals to me though.  I adore Brighton but I would not put my bottom on that beach on a day like today. 

Some of us are not on holiday though so work continues.  I had to get in the tunnel early to avoid the heat and in the process uncovered a wasp nest that will need to be moved tonight.  I am quite happy to share my tunnel my toad but not a load of wasps.  I really upset them when I sprayed water inside the cover of the tunnel but I need to do that to prevent red spider mite inhabiting.  I woke the wasps up and they went mental at me so I knew there was a nest to find.  We are now into the business of planting out our second successive seedlings that have grown into lovely strong plants.  We are also able to plant out cuttings taken off our mother herbs earlier in the season.

Outside the tunnel the willow is coming on a treat after a rather slow start and I think we shall have a small, but perfectly formed, crop for the winter wreaths.  My cut flower beds are all doing really well especially the annuals.  My perennial border will come into its own next season so I just have to play the long game there.  This morning was another cutting and tying morning with more flowers to the local shop in the village. 

By lunchtime I felt that I had the smallholding under control a bit more and was happy to leave Pete to his continual battle to cut back and weed.  The fields are awash with wildflowers and a living landscape for all the flying insects.  I scuttled indoors to get away from the midday sun which is just ridiculous at the moment. 

I should, of course, be working on creating lovely things for my two events in August but I am not.  I have had to shift everything around to make room to write this proposal for a residency that I fancy doing.  Some would think it madness as the chances of getting it are virtually non existent but I do love a challenge.  The research that I have had to do just to write the proposal will be useful going forward whatever the outcome. 

Thank you so much to all those who took the time to review my contemplative photography set on Brodick Castle on my flickr account.  Your comments and feedback are truly invaluable.  There is still plenty of time to view and comment.  I am asking people who view to select one photo that they feel they could make a creative response to and tell me why.  Regular readers will know there is more to it than that but all will be revealed in good time.  The responses so far are really interesting.  There is one photo that is emerging as favourite as a starting point for creative thinking but beyond that I think every photo has some support. 

Working on my proposal until mid afternoon I had skipped lunch so Pete and I headed off to the Douglas for something to eat.  I like to sit on the big sofa and watch the ferry come in and out.  I love that it makes the immediacy of island living so vital.  September is my favourite month on the island as most of the visitors have left and I get my beach back.  100 people is far too many for me. 

Back home and back to my proposal which I have to finish today.  Tomorrow is home school in the morning and then my meditation through writing course in the afternoon.  Friday is the deadline so that is probably just as well.  I have also began to set up meetings on the Isle of Eigg as I want to meet the people that are the future of the island and hear about all their plans.  I am ridiculously excited about my trip and just hope this weather holds for some great photos.  If Molly has broken my camera I may have to kill her. 

While in Brodick I went in to Arran Asia to buy some gemstones for a little family that are finding life a bit tough at the moment.  I am not sure if they help but I carry mine with me when I am in need of a little lift and I always feel better.  Sometimes it is just important to show people that you care and that they are in our thoughts.  Sending them some gemstones is my way of achieving that.  Yesterday I heard of another friend who has lost her husband quite suddenly and I do seem to be surrounded by tragedy at the moment.  My heart goes out to all my friends who are struggling but I do so wish I could do more to help.  Living each and every moment to the full must be in the front of my mind at all times.  I hope some of you might have tried out the Headspace programme I wrote about earlier in the week.  I am onto day 5 and it is so useful.  Although my own practice in meditation is far beyond that it is good to go back to the beginning and tap into the essence of the practice.  Ten minutes each day is doable and very worthwhile.  Training the mind to live in the moment is such a useful skill to learn and the ultimate reward is often greater happiness. 

Until tomorrow. xx

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