Friday, 17 May 2013

Day 137 - Giveaway quiz....grab a coffee!

Friday 17th May

Here it is!  This is the quiz that will help mark 10,000 page views.  I am keeping this simple.  If you can make yourself a nice cup or coffee or tea and have a go before emailing me the answers that would be fantastic!  I will jump around the house before randomly selecting a winner to be announced next Friday.

The winner will then nominate a special person in their life to receive a box full of handmade gifts made by us on our smallholding under the label 'With Love from Arran'.  I might even manage a small gift to the winner as well.  This, I hope, is in the spirit of our new venture 'One soul, many hearts. '

Good luck!

10,000 giveaway quiz.


10 questions, 1 for each thousand page views.


1.      What is the name of the plant that Fiona grows to feed the bees in her garden?

2.      What exhibition did Fiona rave about in January which featured a new book?

3.      What is the name of Fiona's new studio?

4.      What material do we use to make the wings of the butterflies that we sell for our    charity this year?

5.      What did Fiona' Grandma teach her to do?

6.      Who is Fiona's favourite artist based on Arran?

7.      How much money did we make on the Butterfly Tree raffle?

8.      What is the name of my guest blogger who is also an old school friend?

9.      How does Fiona suggest you condition cornflowers so they have a better vase life?

10.  What is Fiona's favourite colour purple or turquoise?

I for luck.....

11.  Does Fiona prefer writing or teaching?

I couldn't have done it without you.....until tomorrow. xx

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