Thursday, 5 December 2013

Day 339 - it might be all over for my polytunnel. xx

Thursday 5th December

The white stuff is falling out of the sky as I write and I confess to not having moved far from the fire today.  The exception has been to pour more candles ready for my final Christmas market on Saturday. 

Goodness me did we get battered in the night and through today.  I know that the tunnel has sustained what sounds like terminal damage but I am not going out to see for myself.  I can't face that just now.  There is nothing to be done right now anyway.  Any repairs will have to wait for a drier day and a certain husband to be available.  From my window I can also see one of our Hazel trees has come down but as that will be next years fire wood I am less concerned about that.  The rest of the damage will be discovered when the storm has finally finished with us and in daylight.  Storms are becoming more frequent on the island and they always cause disruption.  That is part of island living though and you learn to live with it. 

We had a fabulous evening last night at the rural women's group in Shiskine.  It was an excellent turn out and they really are a lovely group of ladies.  I think the talk and demonstration went down well because quite a few of them came over the buy their own willow bases so they can have  a go themselves.  Good for them.  We also sold yet more decorated wreaths and so the successful launch of whimsical willow continues. 

I was mindful of two things last night.  The first was the last time I was in Shiskine village hall when I was the dance officer for the island.  I ran a week long residency and among the participants was  a little girl who had downs syndrome.  She was coping quite well but struggled a little with some of the more complex movements.  Just as I was thinking that I needed do something more to help Molly (who was on the residency) stepped forward and offered to help the little girl. The two of them then worked on a small performance piece for the end of residency show and there was not a dry eye in the audience.  My heart was fit to burst with pride.  I might have mentioned that Molly is our angel...

The second thing that came into my mind was how much I miss the WI that I helped set up in my time living in  Bakewell.  I had always insisted that I wouldn't be president because I just couldn't take on such a large commitment on top of work and home school.  Events then took a turn.  The lady that was due to take on the presidency was called Deborah and we were  very firm friends. I can remember many a time sitting at the kitchen table chatting as if we had known each other all our lives.  Deborah got ill and, quite quickly, she died and I was heartbroken.  So, I agreed to take on the presidency for one year as my tribute to a truly lovely lady.  I still miss Deborah and I think about her often but I also miss the other members of the WI who became firm friends as well.  That said, it was nice that all the memories came flooding back last night. 

You will remember that in September I took on a 30 day rewilding challenge and loved every minute of it.  I have now gone one stage further and signed up for a 30 day rewilding nutrition and fitness programme for January.  It is my Christmas present from Pete so you can be sure that he will be joining me.  It is an entirely plant based diet plan coupled with 30 minute graded exercise programme in the great outdoors.  This is every so slightly bonkers but I am prone to a little bit of bonkers now and then.  Pete and I are always trying new nutritional options as part of our battle to keep my fibromyalgia under control and a plant based diet was on the agenda.  So it seemed sensible to do it with the rewilding team as they really know what they are talking about. 

Of course all this will occur in a time that Scottish island mum has gone dark for a while.  Rest assured I will be keeping you all up to date with my progress on the Scottish island mum facebook page. 

There is much still to be done before I am ready to rock up with Angie to our last event on Saturday.  Nothing much is happening very fast though as my body is so over all this hard work and long hours.  It is starting to object in the strongest possible terms but I am trying my best to ignore that.  I find that is the best tactic. 

I am off to announce on facebook that I am putting the kettle on so that the rest of the island can wait until mine has boiled before they put theirs on.  We were without power all morning and it has been flickering rather a lot this be careful then.

Until tomorrow.  xx

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