The turn to autumn continues on the island and I had quite enough evenings of feeling cold. So preparations are underway to begin the evening fire in the sitting room and I am autumning (!) up the house to reflect the season. Check out my Pinterest board to see what I mean. There is a chill in the air and more cloud cover than we have had of late. I adore autumn so I am quite happy but it just takes a few days to get used to the drop off of temperatures.
While we are discussing temperatures I have had the wind taken out of my sails. For ever I have been behaving rather smugly about the dreaded hot flushes and night sweats while I see my friends inflicted. Now, all of a sudden, I am under attack. This will, no doubt, be because of my smugness so I should perhaps just grin and bear it. That is not happening because they are arriving thick and fast and are more than a small irritant. A raised temperature is very bad news for fibromyalgia sufferers as it triggers pain so I need to get on with it. I have begun some research to see what I can bring to this particular party and that doesn't involve hormone replacement treatment. This girl has to take too many pills as it is. I have a little rule. Medication should only ever provide 25% of the solution and the 75% has to come from somewhere else. My rule is different for the menopausal symptoms and I am bringing it all to the party. So, I have a piece underway and hope that it might be of use to all ladies of a certain age and if you are a man you need to read it too just to understand how grim it can be. I do understand that Mother Nature has to have her say at this stage of my life but she needs to tone it down a bit. Diet is always my starting point for everything and if I tell you that there is no Japanese words meaning hot flushes you will see where I am heading with this. If Japanese ladies don't have hot flushes nor will I once I have figured out where I am going wrong! A case of watch this space.....
I am so very busy at the moment in the count down weeks to the launch of One soul many hearts. Writing is arriving in my inbox daily and all of it is just what the site needs to start gently growing its wings. I am putting together a publishing schedule and starting to edit the pieces that I want to launch the site. I am pleased to see most of my students on my meditation through writing course feeling confident enough to put forward some pieces so something must be working for them. My biggest thrill to date is the addition of 'A side order of Purple' which is to be a fortnightly column written by the lovely Di who gave us Purple is the new Pink a few weeks back. Di's take on life is such a tonic and I felt we all needed a regular fix. We shall await it with real anticipation and settle down with a cup of tea and a side order of purple. Perfect!
I am continuing with my open call for submissions while encouraging people to view the site to find out what the different pages are all about. In the next few weeks I will do my first themed submission call and we shall see how that goes. All the call for submissions will be posted on the one soul many hearts facebook page so keep checking in with it. If you have an idea for a piece of writing I am always happy to chat it through with you - just message me anytime.
It is writing that has seen me through the darkest of days. I have a journal that I wrote around the time of my father's death and I think that is where the seeds were sown. My father would be happy to take the credit so I shall let him!
Today has been a very good day. A very good friend of mine had a recent health wake up call a few weeks ago and has since made lots of changes for the better. One of those is to do 30 minutes exercise every day so I have quite decided to keep him company. I am back into my yoga and today I walked down to the village and back minus my stick. The fact that everything is now stiff and sore is irrelevant as I did it and that is all I care about. The sabbatical was such a good idea and has made all the difference in the world to my health. Less is most definitely more.
So, Scottish island mum is cooking on gas and all that is left to do is to decide the actual date of the launch of One soul many hearts. Small matter that may have been rather overlooked.....
Until tomorrow. xx
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