Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Day 64 - We have won the battle but not the war.

Tuesday 5th March

England has let us have some of our sunshine back and we have had another glorious day on Arran.  Facebook tells me that Cardiff, Orwell and Winchester have also had lovely days so I am pleased. 

Once the loppers get into my hands there is no saying what will happen.  Pete armed himself with his natty pruning saw and off we went.  Brambles were our target and let me tell you it has taken all day to clear the area that we thought would take us an hour.  I am not sure when this part of Hazelbank was last cleared and there lay the problem.  Buried underneath mountains of brambles was lots of new growth just desperate to see some sunlight.  We even managed to expose a rather lovely silver birch that positively shone at us to say thank you.  We grow grass and brambles very well on Hazelbank and it is a constant battle that we rarely really win.  But is was so satisfying to win today and at least that section of the property looks fabulous. 

Harry moved the last of the wood into the store ahead of the rain forecast tomorrow and he can be very proud of his wood pile.  I think all men like wood piles.  George and Max measured the big boy rabbit for a new box to fit inside his run and as I write they are just finishing the construction with their dad.  Max will love introducing his rabbit to his new box and telling him all about it.  Max talks to his rabbit alot and sometimes I listen because I love to hear what he says.  He tells him all about what he has been up to.  The rabbit enjoys their chats, I know he does.  The boys also cleaned out Molly's rabbit so it has been a good rabbit day. 

We have seen the forecast hence this flurry of family activity today.  After such a  settled period of weather (and more sunshine than we probably deserve) it is all going to change tomorrow.  Pete will take the boys for school so I shall have the day to start conditioning my flowers for Mother's Day arrangements.  I also have some lovely heart gifts to post out to some lovely mothers and I am excited about that.  We are quite big on giving in our family and have always provided the children with lots of opportunities to give gifts and realise what a lovely thing that is to do.  Last birthday Max had bought me a Peter Rabbit tin full of chocolate and I thought he was  going to pop while he waited to give it to me.  I loved that.

I am quite sure I will pay for all this activity today.  I am far too old for such long days on the land but it is lovely to see the progress.  With more and more people coming to Hazelbank for courses it is important that it shines brightly.  It certainly shines a bit more brightly than it did this morning and Pete is very useful with that pruning saw.  Well done Pete.

Until tomorrow. xx  Pictures are evidence of sunshine on our beauttiful island.

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