Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Day 176 - I hope the wings are strong enough. xx

Tuesday 25th June

A little overcast on the island today but still dry and lovely.  I spent a long time in the tunnel this morning making sure all my lovely plants are happy ahead of my absence.  I am harvesting salad leaves, strawberries and sweet peas daily and I told everything else to hang on until I am back.  I am not the type of person who likes missing out on things.  Planning ahead I harvested some sage leaves and flowers as I need them for my next course.  I have a lovely metal herb dryer in my studio so I expect the whole place will smell of sage on my return.  Could be worse. 

I now have lists popping up everywhere and Pete said today 'you do do rather a lot!'  Loved that.  I am quite sure they can all cope without me but the lists will keep them on track.  Today I have met myself coming back the way I have just been as I dash about trying to get everything organised.  As I write this I still have to pack but I think I am there with the rest.  I was hoping to get some writing work out of the way before I left so I will just have to hide away when in Portsmouth to get it done by the end of the month deadlines. 

I have been busting to tell you about a lovely email I received last night from a fabulous supporter of our fundraising campaign for the Butterfly Tree charity.  As many of you know we are holding a Butterfly Supper on the island in September to mark the end of the campaign.  This supporter lives off island and we were chatting about how off island supporters might mark the end as well.  Between us we came up with a plan.  The Butterfly Supper on Arran is on Tuesday September 10th starting at 7pm.  We thought it would be a lovely idea if off island supporters considered hosting their own smaller and more intimate version - more of a Butterfly dinner party.  Of course, it doesn't have to be on the same night as weekends might suit people better.  The plan would be to ask for donations from their guests in return for a lovely supper and a butterfly goodie bag.  We would supply the goodie bags to support these dinner parties and everyone would leave with information about the charity and a couple of thank you butterfly gifts including a tulle butterfly. 

It would be a lovely way for supporters to end their work over the summer and I could write about all the wonderful evenings on this blog.  I would also do a piece for the Butterfly Tree newsletter and facebook page.  If any of you lovely off island supporters would like to host a dinner party do get in touch and we can chat and I will do all I can to support from here.  I am trying to learn the technology around podcasting and if I am successful in time I can send a podcast about the work of the Butterfly tree and our contributions to it.  I am so not promising that though because my first look at it was a bit scary.  I am excited about September despite it being a way off and lots happening in the meantime. 

As the boys played tennis I began drafting my media pack for my new site One soul, many hearts.  I have a really strong vision of how I want this site supported and, in particular, the type of companies I want advertising and sponsoring the site.  Although it will be a new site I am already aware of a buzz of interest coming through via messages so I am hopeful of good readership numbers from the start.  That being the case I should be able to attract advertisers and even sponsors fairly immediately.  I did get two emails yesterday expressing strong interest and it doesn't launch until October.  As I still have six months to run on this site I have agreed to some limited advertising here and that way both parties can see how we go. 

A further development came in this morning with a email asking whether I will be hosting a marketplace on this new site.  I love marketplaces when they are done well and the listed items for sale are in keeping with the site.  It has gone on my 'to do' list and I will keep you posted.  Meantime if anyone makes/sells anything that they think is in keeping with the site do drop me an email.  This site is really starting to sprout some strong wings.  Let us all hope that like the house martins I saw fledge a few days ago, it can take flight without falling on its face.  Bless. 

I can not believe the time.  Oh dear this is going to be a busy evening.  I leave on the 7am ferry for a morning flight and, all being well, I will be with my soul sister by 2pm.  I have my camera and journal packed so blogging will continue as normal.  I love the city of Portsmouth and all its history so hopefully we will spend some gentle days exploring it once more and feeding our souls.  I am, however, down there to support and be an extra pair of hands and pair of ears.  I just hope it helps.

Until tomorrow.  xx

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