Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Day 212 - It is not my tale but hers. xx

Wednesday 31st July

Scottish island mum has obviously ignited another debate and this time it cuts to the heart of how we live our lives.  My inbox probably exploded some time around 3am because my lovely American readers seemed to have a lot to say on the subject.  Yesterdays post on the value of the Eigg community and way of life touched a lot of us and has obviously given us to points to reflect on.  There does appear to be a consensus that we have, on the whole, over complicated life but also that we can not easily undo all that complication.  Modern western lives seem to depend on a more and more complex way of living that to undo it would not be easy or, indeed, helpful.  One reader stated firmly that she believes we are all addicted to our complications and have lost touch with the simple things in life.  She may well have a point.  I use technology all the time and would be hopeless without my ipad.  It is this technology that allows me to live on Arran and yet still reach out to people all over the world.  I think it is important not to demonize technology because in lots of way it has made life simpler. 

I was really talking about the way community living is constructed.  On Eigg it seems so simple and effortless and I think we have largely lost that elsewhere.  Here the island is in charge and the people respond and build their lives accordingly.  Mother nature is not complicated but she is also uncompromising and the people of  Eigg have responded in a way that transcends constructions that wider society become caught up in.  I have discovered, by being here, that I like simple and I am happy to leave Mother Nature to set the pace and the boundaries.  I am thrilled to announce that I will be writing a piece for Waverly Fitzgerald's site Living in Season.  I want this piece to focus on the central thesis that the islanders of Eigg have constructed a way of life that makes a full and honest response to the way this place has been constructed and the way it needs to be.  There is no compromising from an island only five miles long but capable of taking the full force of what the sea and weather can throw at it.  Regular readers will know that writing for Waverly has to be the most incredible honour and I will certainly post the link here.  Many of you have been on this journey with me and so will be, no doubt, very familiar with Waverly's work.  If you are a new reader can I just recommend her book Slow Time.  It would not be of an overstatement to say that her book changed my life.  I will say no more in the hope that you will read it. 

Today has been a day of writing as I want to finish as much as I can while having the peace and quiet to do it.  Last night I posted my Stress Busting Manifesto on my facebook page and then woke up to very humbling feedback that I was truly touched by. I never intended it to have all the answers and I think readers have understood that.  I have so many friends struggling with the effect of stress on their health that I just wanted to do something to help.  To know that it has been well received is a joy so thank you to all who took time to message me. 

This morning I revisited the old crofting museum because I had a piece brewing that I didn't think I could write unless I sat in her chair.  So I sat in her chair and the piece transferred from her to me in a matter of minutes.  You will understand that 'Walking with the land' is not my piece and it does not belong to me.  It belongs to her and I was just the vessel for sharing and I do hope you can hear her tale. 

This afternoon Molly and I took one last walk to the shore and met a lovely lady called Moss who would very much liked to have joined us.  She was every bit as friendly as the people of this island and Molly and I chatted to her for a while and took her picture.  Meet Moss. 

Quite unbelievably I have also managed to write the next months pdf for my Meditation Through Writing course.  At the half way point I have rather turned things on their head and I am pleased with the outcome.  All writers need to be challenged to feel alive and this pdf will certainly challenge.  Based on the role of the inner critic it takes the students to a place that challenges them to push their writing out there to be read and appreciated.  Feedback is such a vital part of the writer's journey and should not be avoided if the unique voice is to be shaped and developed.  My on going dialogue with my readers has made such an enormous difference and I now have a clear vision of the writer I want to become. 

So, my days on Eigg are almost over and I have been building a new flickr set dedicated to my time here.  It is by no means finished but do take a look if you have time and let me know what you think.  It has been a complete privilege to be able to add my footprints to this enchanting island and I have a feeling I will return.  I might be leaving tomorrow but I have some more writing to come telling me quite clearly that the quest for Scottish island mum to visit the Scottish islands and share her experiences through the written word is, indeed, a great quest.  It may take me some time to complete this quest, if indeed it is ever completed, but as Waverly tells me in her emails it will be done 'in good time.' 

Until tomorrow. xx

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