Saturday, 6 July 2013

Day 187 - Important to keep your head up. xx

Saturday 6th July

What a difference it makes when the sun shines.  From Portsmouth to Arran it was all smiles today.  I am always struck by the gentlemen who open doors for me as I struggle with my luggage.  I hope this never disappears because it is completely charming.  I do find my luggage a real challenge now.  It is all well and good having a suitcase on wheels but there are a lot of stairs out there.  Today I took the lift where I could find it but it was still a little beyond me.  I will need to give this some thought going forward because I don't want to stop travelling by myself.  I think I would feel like my illness had won if I ever got to that stage. 

I had a real wobble at Glasgow airport and could have just sat down and stayed there until someone rescued me.  But I am my father's daughter so I sat for a few minutes and then put one foot in front of the other again.  I really can't complain when I leave Portsmouth early morning and I am on the island in time for the women's final at Wimbledon.  The flight is just over an hour and I actually slept right through it so that was a bonus.  As the day unfolded I felt the world was going on holiday.  It is the summer holiday break in Scotland so from Glasgow onwards it just got busier and busier and the ferry was ridiculous.  Perhaps I should concentrate on travelling to places no one else wants to go to.  But then I wouldn't have my lovely gentlemen to open doors for me. 

Leaving Donna was tough as I knew it would be.  She has a very challenging life at times and I just want to be there during all those times to help.  Sadly, that is not possible as I have my own family but the distance between us is too great and I know that.  I am just hoping that I managed to make a small difference and that she is in a slightly better place now. 

I am writing this piece of the post on the boat and keeping my head down.  It is highly likely that I will see a fellow islander but I think talking is a bit beyond me right now.  We are late leaving and one needs to have a word because I will miss the start of the tennis final if they don't get a move on.  We have volunteers from the RSPB on board at the rear deck spotting birds for us all and in normal circumstances I would be there.  But I relied on my inside knowledge when I boarded the ferry and snuck by everyone and bagged a comfy seat.  I am not feeling guilty either. 

The rest of this post will be written after the tennis final.  Didn't Andy Murray do well?  It showed the importance of keeping your head up at all times, me thinks. 

A head went down in the ladies tennis final and the energy flowed from her body before the tears came.  I felt for her but it is so vital that we learn to keep our heads up.  She will be back, I am sure.

So wonderful to step on to the pier at Brodick and for super hugs from Pete and Max.  I have known for a long time now that Arran is one of my soul mates and how lucky I am to live here.  Lots of welcome home messages from lots of lovely people and even a hug from my two big boys.  Does it get any better than that?

I can't write anymore today as I am drained from that journey.  Suffice to say that I have done a quick look round and all seems to be well.  My sweet peas need tying in but that is a job for tomorrow. 

Until tomorrow.  Xx

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