For once the midges have done me a favour as they drove me in from my planting and made me focus on finishing my activist piece. When the lovely little darlings are circling your head and forming their own cloud through which to bite you on a regular basis you know enough is enough. Not even a sprig of rosemary behind my ear worked today so I abandoned my planting and retreated. For someone who is quite willing to take the fight against malaria to the mosquito I am less successful with the Scottish midge.
Home school was a gentle affair with some of the mechanics of learning focused on such as spelling and grammar. There were no objections from the boys as they settled to their work and I took my chance to do some house jobs. Sometimes it is just lovely to hear the silence. The silence that equals concentration and application. I know that because I always do a little test at the end of the morning and today the results were stunning. George can now spell better than me and Max can finally apply himself without any fuss and has proved, to himself, that he can spell. The nuts and bolts of learning are a strong feature of our home school as we want the children to have all the tools necessary to be all they want to be. We are getting there.
After school I continued my planting out before stopping in my tracks remembering that I promised a plant sale in 10 days time! I reversed the wheelbarrow and put some of the plants back in the tunnel telling them that if they don't sell they can join their friends in the raised beds. My stocks that I grew from seed are now in a smart row and I noticed that my Livingston Daisies are starting to flower in the tunnel. If the midges hadn't had their way the little daisies would now be in the ground. Alas, they remain in the tunnel. Those plants that I planted out a few days ago are budding and flowering and it is all very exciting. My snapdragons are nearly all in flower and there are some strong looking buds on my dwarf sunflowers and borage plants. You just know there will be pictures.
It does feel good to get my activist piece finished and it is now in a moderation queue for publication. As soon as it has been approved (assuming it is) I will post the link and you must tell me what you think. I talk about you guys in it which makes complete sense to me. I have now started having conversations with you in my head so no one can ever accuse me of being out of touch with my readers!
My little butterfly prayer flag made £5.00 so that is one more net to save some precious lives in Zambia and I am pleased. I have some lovely people joining me for tea and cake on Thursday to make tulle butterflies to ensure we have enough to get us through a few more weeks. More full cups have been emptied into my tin so we shall be able to make another donation very soon. The boys have the job of counting all the pennies so thank you George and Max.
One of those days when the sky merges with the sea in a dove grey hue and a sailing boat is gliding though in all its white glory. A real stop and stare moment. It looks like 'silence' to me.
I am sharing a dance piece that I love today. Hope you enjoy.
Until tomorrow. xx
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